"Inclusion is based on the belief that students of all abilities have the right to an education that is meaningful, appropriate and equivalent to that of their peers".
Nicole Eredics
It's not an easy decision when considering where to place your child with a disability for their schooling. It can be a frustrating and often lonely experience. This is why I find it heartbreaking to hear stories of parents contacting schools about enrolling their children, only to be told by the administration that they cannot cater to the child's needs. My first question would be, "Why?". To be prepared for the reasoning behind their answer, you must be able to confidently advocate by arming yourself with the knowledge and understanding about the best approaches to accessing a meaningful and appropriate education for your child.
It has been said that 'knowledge is power', and in order to effectively and successfully advocate for your child, it's important to learn about their rights and the range of information and options available when seeking an appropriate educational setting. My aim is to share a variety of websites, documents, and blogs that are available so that you can familiarise yourself with the rights of students with disabilities in education.
I want you to know that I will not advocate for a specific learning context for all children with disabilities. I honestly can't claim that there is a 'one size fits all' approach. Ultimately, you, the parent or carer, know better than anyone else what the optimal learning environment will be for your child.
In Australia, there are currently two public school setting options for a child with a disability: mainstream and special schools. Both have their benefits, and it comes down to which setting meets your child's needs. Rigorous criteria are in place for special school settings, meaning your option may only be the mainstream school setting. And this is okay. As a teacher, I have seen many children successfully included in schools through all year levels with many positive outcomes. It can be done!
When you initially approach a school about enrolling your child, ensure you are prepared with questions about how the school will accommodate your child's needs. In addition, consider what you specifically require for your child to achieve successful outcomes in school. This list should include questions about:
Access: If your child has a physical or visual impairment, can they successfully move around the school to participate in activities? Some children have issues with elopement when they initially start school. Check on whether there is adequate fencing. Is it easy for a child to open gates?
Levels of knowledge & understanding: Ask what experience the school has with other children with disabilities. How have they catered for them? Are the staff provided many professional development opportunities to improve their knowledge and inclusive practices around students with disabilities? In their 2016 paper, Roberts and Simpson identified 'attitudes to inclusion', and 'knowledge and understanding' as some of the key factors impacting on the effectiveness and success of inclusive practices in mainstream schools for children with Autism.
Differentiation: What do teachers do differently in the classroom to cater to those children who have learning difficulties? Are they open to modifying curriculum content? If your child has learning difficulties, are there options for a Personalised Learning Plan (PLP) or an Individual Curriculum Plan (ICP)? (Note: These plans apply to Education Queensland schools; however, you should find the equivalent in other states). What processes are in place to monitor the effectiveness of interventions and academic progress?
Flexibility: When your child starts school, the experience can be overwhelming. Is the school open to flexible days? Are fewer days or shorter days an option?
Effective collaboration: Ensuring the school provides open lines of communication and a shared vision is another essential component for cultivating student success.
Suppose you're unsure about your child's rights when participating in or gaining access to an educational environment. In that case, I recommend the following documents and online sites to support your knowledge and understanding of the rights of disabled students in education.
The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) makes it unlawful to discriminate against a person because of their disability in many areas of public life, including education. The Australian Human Rights website provides a detailed overview of the DDA and details of the contact agencies in your state or territory.
Australia has joined 80 other countries worldwide and signed the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). This international human rights convention outlines the fundamental rights of people with disabilities. Check out their website for further clarification on the terms used in both the CRPD and the DDA.
Family Advocacy in NSW, Queensland Collective for Inclusive Education, and Inclusive Schools Australia are three websites that provide valuable resources and information for families and professionals about inclusive education. These organisations also offer workshops and event opportunities. I'm sure there are equivalent organisations in most other states and territories.
Parents may also choose to send their child to alternative schools, and there are some options other than the typical state-run 'mainstream' or 'special schools'. Disability-specific schools are becoming more common across Australia. One example is the Woodbury School in Sydney, who provide 'educationally sound, research-validated teaching and learning methodologies, catering for students with Autism from Kindergarten to Year 6. The learning environment at Woodbury uses a multi-disciplinary approach with a team consisting of teachers, SLP, OT and behaviour support specialists. Many alternative schools offer both short and long-term placements. Sometimes, it is a matter of your child learning a repertoire of prerequisite skills before transitioning to a mainstream school.
Finally, meaningful, appropriate and equivalent education with same-age peers can differ from one family to the next. As I mentioned earlier, an excellent place to start is to sit down first and think about what matters. Consider what is essential to your child's education and go from there. The decision of where to enrol your child is your journey, and the place you navigate to will be where you feel is the best fit for your child. This may depend on many variables related to your child's specific needs.
I have tried to give you an overview in this blog of information and resources you may find beneficial for building a knowledge base. This is not an exhaustive list and tends to have a greater Autism specific focus. You may find that your state or territory agencies and local community organisations can provide more comprehensive information covering other disabilities. More information can be found on the Brighter Outcomes resources page.
And remember, if the experience is overwhelming for you, reach out. There are many knowledgeable and experienced individuals out there from a variety of organisations (as well as parents and carers!) who are promoting and advocating for inclusion and social equity in education and the wider community.
ADCET Home. (2019). Retrieved 30 August 2019, from https://www.adcet.edu.au/
Home | Australian Human Rights Commission. (2019). Retrieved 30 August 2019, from https://www.humanrights.gov.au/
Roberts, J., & Simpson, K. (2016). A review of research into stakeholder perspectives on inclusion of students with autism in mainstream schools. International Journal Of Inclusive Education, 20(10), 1084-1096. doi: 10.1080/13603116.2016.1145267
Home - Woodbury. (2019). Retrieved 1 September 2019, from https://www.woodbury.org.au/