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6 min read
Read this or there's no dessert!!
"Small beginnings can shape our own behaviour in new directions" (Sidman, 1989, p.513). Lately, I've been reading a few books and...

3 min read
All that matters......
"You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending" - C. S. Lewis. As parents, we often...

3 min read
The Rigour around Triggers
We've all been there, that moment when you choose to go through the supermarket checkout with all the chocolate and lollies. Noooo!! Your...

2 min read
It's the most wonderful time of the year?????
That's what a lot of the songs say, and for many families it is. But for some families it can be described as stressful, overwhelming,...

2 min read
Smart cookies and ice-cream.....
I have often heard both parents and teachers say that they've used certain reinforcers to increase appropriate behaviour and then, after...
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